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Videos from our Chief Apostle

New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto

Motto 2021 (Part 3): The people of the future

Motto 2021 (Part 3): The people of the future The future with Christ begins right now: we need to follow His example and be actively…
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto

“Christ makes free” — Motto for the year 2020

"Christ makes free" — Motto for the year 2020 Freedom — this is a sublime and precious commodity! There is only one who can provide…
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto

“Prayer Works” – Motto for 2024

"Prayer Works" — this is the motto for the year 2024. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider explains its content in his address for the New Year.…
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
Motto 2021 (Part 1): Endurance is the secret of success
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
Motto 2021 (Part 2): From start to finish with Jesus
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
Christ makes free (3) — the six-point programme
Divine Service Guide
Chief Apostle
The Divine Service Guide
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
Christ makes free (2) — the example of Jesus
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
“Christ, our future” — Motto for the year 2021

Explore Our Catechism …

Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church

3. The triune God (Part 2)

3. The triune God (Part 2) Learn about the nature of God, and God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church

3. The triune God (Part 3)

3. The triune God (Part 3) Learn about the nature of God, and God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church

10. The doctrine of future things

10. The doctrine of future things How do we understand the future? Here we will do an overview of our understanding of the return of…
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
1. The revelations of God
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
6. The church of Jesus Christ
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
8. The sacraments (Part 1)
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
5. God’s commandments (Part 2)
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
Introduction to Catechism
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
2. The Creed (Part 2)

Introduce yourself to the world of dogmatic theology …


6.2 What are sacraments?

6.2 What are sacraments? Dogmatics Chapter 6: EcclesiologyDownload Sacraments are means of salvation whereby human beings can attain salvation. In this lesson we will find…

6.4 Understanding of ministry

6.4 Understanding of ministry Dogmatics Chapter 6: EcclesiologyDownload In this last section of chapter 6, we will explore the understanding of ministry as it exists…

3.1 The nature and characteristics of God

3.1 The nature and characteristics of God Chapter 3: The Doctrine of GodDownload In this lesson we will turn our attention to questions such as:…
The Law
6.1 The Law and the Gospel – Explanation of Terms
1. Introduction to Theology
1.2 What is exegesis?
Early Church Creeds
2.2 The early church creeds
Soul & Resurrection
7.3 The immortality of the soul and the resurrection (Part 1)
Martin Luther
5.3 The justification of the sinner
4.2 The twofold state of Jesus Christ

The New Testament

Theatre in Ephesus
The New Testament

3. The Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Part 2)

3. The Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Part 2) New Testament Chapter 3: The Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Part 2)Download 3.1 The Gospel of Luke In…
The New Testament

6. The remaining letters and the Johannine writings

6. The remaining letters and the Johannine writings New Testament Chapter 6: The remaining letters / Johannine writingsDownload 6.1 The Epistle to the Hebrews We…
Greek Parchment
The New Testament

1. Introduction to the New Testament and its Context

1. Introduction to the New Testament and its Context New Testament Chapter 1: Introduction to the New Testament and its ContextDownload 1.1 Interpreting and studying…
The New Testament
2. The Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Part 1)
The New Testament
4. The epistles of Paul (Part 1)
The New Testament
5. The epistles of Paul (Part 2)