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Videos from our Chief Apostle

New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto

“It’s time to do good” – Motto for 2025
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto

Christ makes free (3) — the six-point programme

Christ makes free (3) — the six-point programme A free man already today—just like Jesus Himself! This is what Christ will do for each and…
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto

“Christ makes free” — Motto for the year 2020

"Christ makes free" — Motto for the year 2020 Freedom — this is a sublime and precious commodity! There is only one who can provide…
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
Motto 2021 (Part 3): The people of the future
Divine Service Guide
Chief Apostle
The Divine Service Guide
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
“Prayer Works” – Motto for 2024
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
“Christ, our future” — Motto for the year 2021
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
“Together in Christ” – Motto for 2022
New Apostolic Church International
Annual motto
Christ makes free (1) — the love of God

Explore Our Catechism …

Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church

8. The sacraments (Part 1)

8. The sacraments (Part 1) Gain a deeper understanding of our sacraments: Holy Baptism with water, Holy Communion, and Holy Sealing.
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church

9. Life after death

9. Lifer after death What happens when we die? Can souls receive salvation in the beyond? Here we will talk about notions such as the…
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church

Introduction to Catechism

Introduction to Catechism This video gives a general introduction to our catechism.
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
4. Mankind in need of redemption (Part 2)
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
6. The church of Jesus Christ
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
2. The Creed (Part 1)
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
10. The doctrine of future things
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
3. The triune God (Part 3)
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
Know Your Church
3. The triune God (Part 1)

Introduce yourself to the world of dogmatic theology …


4.1 Christology – the doctrine of Hypostatic Union (Part 2)

4.1 Christology – the doctrine of Hypostatic Union (Part 2) Chapter 4: ChristologyDownload

6.3 The church of Jesus Christ

6.3 The church of Jesus Christ Dogmatics Chapter 6: EcclesiologyDownload In this section, we will address the doctrine of the church. We will illuminate the…

7.2 What is Apocalypticism?

7.2 What is Apocalypticism? Dogmatics Chapter 7: EschatologyDownload When we talk about Apocalypticism or apocalyptic thinking in the public sphere today, we are usually referring…
1. Introduction to Theology
1.3 What is dogmatic theology?
Death of Jesus
4.4 The death of Jesus as an event of salvation
7.4 Parousia and Judgement (Part 2)
4.1 Christology – the doctrine of Hypostatic Union (Part 1)
6.4 Understanding of ministry
Martin Luther
5.3 The justification of the sinner

The New Testament

The New Testament

5. The epistles of Paul (Part 2)

5. The epistles of Paul (Part 2) New Testament Chapter 5: The epistles of Paul (Part 2)Download 5.1 The Epistle to the Philippians / The…
The New Testament

4. The epistles of Paul (Part 1)

4. The epistles of Paul (Part 1) New Testament Chapter 4: The epistles of Paul (Part 1)Download 4.1 Apostle Paul: an introduction to his epistles…
Greek Parchment
The New Testament

1. Introduction to the New Testament and its Context

1. Introduction to the New Testament and its Context New Testament Chapter 1: Introduction to the New Testament and its ContextDownload 1.1 Interpreting and studying…
The New Testament
6. The remaining letters and the Johannine writings
Theatre in Ephesus
The New Testament
3. The Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Part 2)
The New Testament
2. The Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Part 1)